37 Free Patches for the Moog Sub/Subsequent 37

37 Free Patches for the Moog Sub/Subsequent 37

Robust American Patches
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Yes! You read that correctly!

Thirty-Seven complimentary synthesizer patches for your Sub/Subsequent 37! OK...5 of the patches in this collection are different versions of the rimshot sound from the TR-909. We felt that the tone varied enough to include them all. Some of the demos below have a soft echo added for a bit of ambience.

"Unbroken Bass" is a sound we created for a Moog forum member in need. The demo for this patch (Soundcloud) has some extra processing going on which is explained in the forum post. 7 of the patches below do not have demos as of yet. So many synth demos, so little time. The nine patches at the top of the list (Yellow) are the original free patches that we released in 2019. The rest (Orange) are brand new. Click on the patch names below for cued up YouTube demos. You can also play the entire video, which contains a short demo song, at the bottom of this page.


(Beat Sequence)
(Trigger this sequence on the upbeat when using external clock sync)
(Sound FX)
(Sound FX)
(Sound FX)
(Beat Sequence)
(Sound FX)
Resonance Bend
TR37-RS 2
TR37-RS 4
TR37-RS 5
TR37-RS 6
These Patches are delivered as Sysex files (.syx) They were created using the official Moog Sub 37 Editor but they work perfectly with your favorite sysex tools as well.

Sysex Tools:
PC: Midi-Ox or Mac: SNoise
We've included a sysex bank file...
37 Free Patches Sub 37 Bank File by RAP.syx
We've also included the individual sysex files for each patch along with a clickable pdf patch list which contains the patch names, categories and controller assignments. (MW, Aftertouch and Velocity) We decided to try a different approach to the descriptions this time around. Why read about a sound when you can actually listen to it and evaluate it first hand? So with that in mind, we have discarded the descriptions in favor of a clickable patch list. We hope you enjoy using these sounds as much as we enjoyed creating them. Thanks for visiting with us!
Patch Demonstrations